Excellence and honesty
at its Heart
Azimuth was started when the two directors and co-founders (who are childhood friends) were working for other training providers and realised that there was a better way. A clearer, more straightforward and honest way. With this in mind, they set out to create an employee training company that had excellence and honesty at its heart, that they and their employees could be proud of.
Since it’s exception, Azimuth has worked across multiple sectors and industries, with stewards and shop floor to C-Suite members and we have always been invited back.

Why did we choose the name Azimuth?
What’s an Azimuth? Azimuth is the name for a measurement in degrees between two reference points. A key part of navigation is to calculate the angle between where you are and where you want to travel to, all the while keeping your reference points in view during the journey. This is the azimuth, and it’s crucial to establishing your direction.
We help you to identify these references points and move in the right direction.