There is no sure-fire recipe for success when it comes to creating a good team, let alone a great one! Each will function differently and evolve over time, but the overall development of your business can be attributed to how well a group can collaborate together to deliver an end result.

Together Everyone Achieves More. But what makes a great team? And how can you ensure the workplace teams you form will be highly effective and efficient? In today’s blog post, we’ll be revealing 6 key methods to help you implement stronger units that will serve your business, ultimately seeing your organisation continue to thrive in the future.

So, what makes a great team?

The oxford definition of teamwork is: “The combined action of a group, especially when effective and efficient.” But effective and efficient teamwork doesn’t just occur out of the blue, it demands consistent efforts from all participants. The first step to creating a highly successful unit is fully understanding what the necessary elements are:

#1 Clear objectives – understanding the vision

Each member of the group must be aware of the bigger picture and understand how a specific task will see them achieve this final desired outcome. Without purpose, the team will lack direction and it is likely motivation to complete a project to a high level will be lost.

#2 Defined roles – fair contribution from all

Without defining each individual’s responsibilities within the team, you again limit the group. A task may be seen as ‘undesirable’ but by providing structure and roles, members will be accountable for their relevant tasks.

In addition to clear roles, a thriving team values diversity. They acknowledge each other’s strengths and weaknesses, reassigning tasks that may be better suited to another individual rather than bickering over the finite details.

#3 Flawless communication – listen, learn and support

Communication is critical; whilst a team leader may hold the ultimate decision, all members should be encouraged to contribute and communicate. Each individual should have a valued voice within the group – be it a question, or a new perspective. By actively listening, the team can support and learn from one another, building a working relationship that not only provides the business with results but tends to each member’s own professional development too.

#4 Celebrate successes – have fun!

It shouldn’t be all work and no play! In fact, overwhelming a team can lead to burnout and a drop in productivity levels, so it’s vital you inject a little enjoyment into working life. Having fun and celebrating achievements builds real connections and what makes a great team is positive relationships – a relaxed environment can reduce conflict and encourage individuals to participate more actively.

Ultimately a team is not about one member, it’s about the group as a whole and celebrating successes together will improve morale and provide a confidence boost for all members.

6 killer tips to transform your approach: Making a good team great

How can we take workplace collaborative groups to the next level, and ensure members can reach their full potential? We’ve compiled the 6 top tips that you can begin implementing immediately, transforming your team’s work approach and unlocking their full potential as a unit:

#1 Establish strong leadership from the offset

Now a collaborative unit does not need a dictator! The right team leader will be committed, accountable and responsible for the finished project. But what’s more, the individual should be able to motivate all team members to perform to their very best capability – what makes a great team is a passion and dedication to go above and beyond what is expected.

#2 Build connections between team members

As connections are built between employees, productivity will increase as the members trust and feel confident in each other. It can also ensure all individuals familiarise themselves with other roles, therefore understanding and valuing their position in the team.

To build these connections naturally you may try:

  • Team-building exercises: Simple activities that build trust. Not only can quick exercises with a team develop bonds between employees, but they can also serve as a tool to cut through any tension and inject fun into the day.
  • Workplace wellness programmes: Consider implementing a wellness program to encourage employees to get to know one and another on a personal level. This could be in the form of a lunch out, or perhaps an after-work get together, which will allow your team to shift the conversation from work to other points of interest.

#3 Form a connection with each individual

The team leader and/or business owner should form a working relationship with each group member to understand their specific skills, interests and unique strengths. When you know these things, you can match an employee with the right tasks, boosting job satisfaction and therefore improving productivity. As you build your trust in them, they, in turn, will be building their trust in you and the company to provide the necessary resources needed for them to grow and succeed.

Of course, as a figure of authority, it’s important the relationship formed with an employee reflects this – a level of respect should be maintained to ensure your contributions are not under-valued.

what makes a great team

#4 Invite collaboration and contribution – experiment!

Businesses thrive when they have a diverse team of people who can contribute individual ideas. But to create an environment in which a team feels comfortable inputting freely, it is crucial you have a strong leader in place that can set an example. You may encourage members to share the progress of their own tasks and invite feedback from the rest of the team, allowing the group to see each other’s contribution, and in turn, creating a transparent workplace setting.

The most successful teams tend to accommodate informed risk-taking and allow ample opportunities for learning, especially if these experiments have the potential to generate better results. To introduce experimentation into your standard workflows, try making time for brainstorming before starting a new project. During this thoughtful exercise, team members can contribute ideas for conducting research, structuring a project or collecting and analyzing results.

#5 Set SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based. Implementing group objectives that follow this structure will provide a clear roadmap to the end goal. All members will clearly understand the intended process, and how time and resources will be delegated to ensure success.

After implementing these objectives, track progress regularly. Since every member shares the same team-specific metrics, your team can monitor advancement and celebrate accomplishments. Measuring progress with a single metric rather than applying their own definitions of success helps individual team members more accurately understand their progress.

#6 Monitor and review

Evaluation techniques are an essential part of the process when developing a great team. You need to use obvious metrics, such as financial measures to evaluate the success of the group and each individual in it. When you set precise SMART goals, you must review and measure the achievements precisely when scheduled. 

You may ask yourself:

  • What has the team achieved so far? – it’s vital you understand what has been accomplished and what may have fallen through the net.
  • What did they change? – with consistent reviews, you can analyse how new team experiments have affected results.
  • What did they learn? – overcoming obstacles and solving problems will not only improve the group’s relationships, but you can also evaluate the self-sufficiency of members.   
  • What’s working well? – if you can identify specific areas of success, you can ensure they are implemented in future team projects too. 
  • What aspects of teamwork need improvement? – to be a great team, you need to evolve and adapt to increase your levels of success. 

The key takeaways

Building a great team requires all members to come together for a common goal, each invested in the overall outcome. Trust and engagement are essential between leaders and employees, ensuring individuals within the group feel valued and understand their role within the team. The key points to remember are:

  • As a leader, be accountable and act on what you say, but also listen and learn.
  • Encourage innovation and questioning, experiment and learn from mistakes.
  • Define the purpose of both individuals and the team from the offset.
  • Celebrate successes together, allow the team to take ownership of the project. 

Are you looking to transform the way your team’s work approach but aren’t sure where to begin? At Azimuth, we provide dedicated and expert advice to ensure your business can reach its full potential. Together, we’ll identify areas of improvement and provide the support you need to successfully implement processes, guaranteeing results that deliver. Contact us today at or call +44 (0)1483 24 33 81 and we’ll be more than happy to discuss how we can help you.

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